Sunday Experience and Liturgy Committee works to promote the Eucharist as the source and summit of the Christian life and to send one another forth to build up the Kingdom of God.
Core Members:
Father Thè Hoang
Deacon Dose
Diane Franke
Kathleen Evers
Ann Marie Dose
Additional members are invited as needed.
Building & Grounds Committee takes care of upkeep and maintenance for the buildings and grounds.
Bill Diedrich
Jerry Ott
Don Sexton
Dwaine Sexton
Parish Volunteer Team organizes different events to raise supplemental monies to assist with operational costs of the parish. Fund raising events include: Pancake Breakfasts, a Spring and Fall BBQ Dinner, Raffles, Auctions, a Fall Dance, to name a few.
David Appel, Team Director
Meg Sprick, Event Lead
Deacon David Dose, Publicity Lead
Don Sexton, Administrative Coordinator,Treasurer
Dwaine Sexton, Volunteer Lead
Bill and Mary Schlagenhaft
Dianne Franke
Jane Timm
Sandy Danckwart
Trustees help the Pastor administrate the parish. They are appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester upon being recommended by the Pastor. Trustees serve up to two consecutive three-year terms. Trustees serve in both a fiduciary and pastoral role and it is expected that they serve on the pastoral and/or financial council, ex-officio. They should be knowledgeable about the parish's pastoral needs, financial statements, books and records. They act on behalf of the parish corporation as required by approving and signing corporate resolutions for the establishment of banking or investment accounts.
Gary Timm
Bill Sexton
Cemetery Board is responsible for the overall care of the cemetery. This includes but is not limited to general maintenance, lawn care, snow removal, plot recording and reporting, insurance coverage, and all fiscal reporting and control. The Board is responsible for the deceased plot locations along with any transactions for future plot purchases. An annual fiscal summary report is consolidated, reviewed, and signed by the Board and then submitted to the Diocese of Winona.
Father Thè Hoang
Dwaine Sexton (Trustee)
Leonard Van Houten (Trustee)