Parish Pastoral Council
Joint Parish Pastoral Council
Finance Council
Cemetery Board
Strategic Planning Subcommittee
Currently the Council members are (names in bold are from St. Mary's):
Jennie Dieterman
Bill Diedrich
Bob Wenger, Trustee
Kathie Durand, Trustee
Deacon David Dose
Jerry Ott
Lea Sexton
Rick Panther
Becky Lukes
Dennis Makoutz
Kelly Haeska
Father The` Hoang
Al Orthaus
Kathy Moyer
Jerry Berg
Steve Stoltz
Bob Wenger, Trustee
Kathie Durand, Trustee
The Parish Finance Council is an advisory group to be consulted by the Pastor for decisions of major importance involving the temporalities of the parish. The Council shall consist of at least three (3) members of the Christian faithful (clergy, religious, or Catholic lay persons) of outstanding integrity and honesty who are actively involved in the life of the parish. They are to be skilled in financial affairs or civil law as evidenced by their professional qualifications and testimonials and are to be capable of evaluating financial options while having the highest regard for Christian principles and values and the mission of the diocese and parish.
Council members shall be freely appointed by the Pastor. However, the Pastor is encouraged to consult the Parish Council for member recommendations. Appointments are to be made, in writing, for three-year terms. From time to time, outside advisors may be appointed as non-voting members. Advisors do not need to be Catholic.
New members can be freely appointed by the Pastor at any time for three year terms and can be reappointed to additional three-year terms. Insofar as possible, terms should be staggered to avoid all terms ending at one time. For the duration of their appointment, members cannot be dismissed by the Pastor except for grave and documented reasons (failure to attend meetings, breaking confidentiality, not practicing the faith, loss of respect of the people because of public scandal of a serious nature, and other reasons that may prevent an individual from serving effectively).
St. Mary of the Lake Cemetery Board
Fr. Thè Hoang, Pastor
Shawn Sweeeny President
Jim Schreck, Secretary
Shawn Sweeney, John Brinkman, Leo Fausch - Grounds
John Mueske - Sale of Grave Sites and Questions
Judy Burfeid- Records
Shawn Sweeny, Leo Fausch - Trustees
The Cemetery Board is responsible for the overall care of the cemetery. This includes but not limited to general maintenance, lawn care, snow removal, plot recording and reporting, insurance coverage, and all fiscal reporting and control. The Board also controls the deceased plot locations along with any transactions for future plot purchases. An annual fiscal summary report is consolidated, reviewed, and signed by the Board. This is completed after the end of the fiscal year (June 30th) and then submitted to the Diocese of Winona (usually within 1-2 months).