CCW - Council of Catholic Women - CCW acts through its members to support, empower,and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service; to inspire and promote Gospel values in a constantly changing world.The Council of Catholic Women meets monthly on the second Monday from August through May.
KC - Knights of Columbus - The Knights of Columbus meet the second Tuesday of each month.
Rosary begins at 6:20 p.m. followed by a light supper and a meeting.
Contact Ronald Dahling (Grand Knight).
Mission Sewing - The Mission Sewing Group at St. Mary of the Lake Catholic Church donate quilts to several organizations including the Kiwanis Club Christmas Toy Project, the Children’s Crisis Center in Rochester, Caring and Sharing Hands in the Twin Cities as well as other places in need. The group makes approximately 125 quilts each year.
Selling quilts at the Christmas bazaar also helps to purchase batting and materials needed for quilting. The tops are made at members' homes and by other members of the Church. The group meets once a month to "finish" the quilts and to socialize. Everyone is welcome to come and help. Being able to sew is not a requirement as there are several tasks necessary to complete a quilt,
For more information please call Mary Peterson at 651-345-4134.
Hospitality Ministry: There are many aspects to extending hospitality to visitors as well as to parish family members. Some opportuniites include hosting coffee and donuts on Sundays after the Liturgy, welcoming new members to the parish, visiting the homebound and those in nursing facilities and hospitals.
Hispanic Ministry:
Parish Library: We have a new parish library! Please stop in and see the selection of books, movies and CD's. All resources are available with the honor system check out. The library is located in the new Fireside Room at the main entrance to the Church.
Prayer Garden: The Prayer Garden is located at the corner of Garden and Center Streets. It is an outreach ministry of parish volunteers. It was created in 2009 on the former site of the convent. The garden is a place for meditation, personal reflection and healing. It features trees, flowers, and stones in a peaceful natural setting. Two rainwater basins clean and infiltrate runoff from the church roofs and parking lot. Interested people may contact Katie Himanga at 651-380-9680.
Prayer Ministry/Prayer Chain: If you have special prayer intentions, please feel free to contact the Parish Office at 651-345-4134 or email
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Volunteers in this ministry meet the 4th Thursday of every month from 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM in the Fireside Room to knit or crochet prayer shawls to be given to people who are in need of comfort and healing. The contact person for this ministry is Ann Schreck.
Rosary Leader: These volunteers lead the recitation of the Rosary 30 minutes before Mass on weekdays and weekends.
Stewardship: This ministry involves increasing the awareness of the variety of ways parishioners may participate in parish activities and ministries. Duties include planning and implementing opportunities to sign up to share their time, talents, and treasures.
Vestment, Cassocks, Altar and Linen Care Ministry: This ministry involves the proper laundering and care of the altar linens as well as dry cleaning of vestments.
Building & Grounds Committee
This Committee supervises the upkeep and care of our parish properties.
Counters of Weekly Contributions
Food Pantry Volunteer
Fall Festival
Host Coffee and Donuts
Lawn & Grounds
Mass Linen and Apparel Care
Prayer Garden
Prayer Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry
New Member Committee
Yearly Parish Events