Greeters/Sacristan: A greeter is an important ministry of hospitality to all who enter St. Patrick's Church. They acknowledge, welcome and offer assistance. They also help distribute the Missalettes or other printed materials. The ministry of a Sacristan involves ensuring that everything is made ready for the priest to celebrate Mass and that afterwards everything is cleaned and stored back in its proper place. Detailed instructions are posted in the sacristy on the bulletin board. Greeters/Sacristans are scheduled for one month of Sundays a year.
Music: Music ministers encourage and invite the congregation to participate in sung prayer. Singing in a choir, playing an instrument, accompanying, or singing as a cantor are a few examples of ways to participate in music ministry. Time commitment varies, depending on the group, and could be short-term, occasional, or long-term. Rehearsals are announced as needed.
Lector: The Lector proclaims the First and Second Scripture readings. Lectors are given a practice "workbook" to help in their preparation to proclaim the Word.The Lector is to arrive approximately 15 minutes prior to Mass to obtain the relevant materials from the musicians.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Ministers of Holy Communion assist and distribute in a reverent manner the Eucharist. They may not only minister at Mass, but may be asked occasionally to bring Communion to shut-ins.
Altar Servers: Servers should be mature enough to understand their responsibilities and to carry them out with appropriate reverence. They should have already received Holy Communion for the first time and normally receive the Eucharist whenever they participate in the liturgy. Servers carry the cross, any processional candles (if needed), hold the book for the priest/celebrant (when he is not at the altar), assist him when he receives the gifts from the people, wash the hands of the priest, and ring the altar bells at the appropriate time. In general they assist the priest celebrant and deacon as necessary.
Gift Bearers: This ministry, available to families and/or individuals. During Mass the gift bearers bring to the altar the bread and wine at the "Preparation of the Gifts" .
Ushers: This ministry involves helping people find seating for special occassions, taking up the collection, and attending to any "behind the scenes" issues, situations or difficulties.
If you are interested in any ministries please contact Deacon David Dose or AnnMarie.
Catechists: Although parents have the main responsibility for instructing their children in faith, St. Patrick's welcomes volunteers to teach the Catholic Christian doctrine to youth, adolescent, and adults. If you are interested in teaching please contact Brianna Evers.
Mass Linen Care: This ministry ensures that clean linens are available for Mass. Please contact Helen.
Quilting Group: Grace United Church of Christ in Millville and St. Patrick’s, West Albany, formed a quilting group in 1998.The group quilts about 35 quilts per year. This group meets to tie quilts on Friday nights at 6:30 in the church hall. In case of inclement weather or conflicting church or community events, the group does not meet. Participants support the group by working at home on the quilt tops or by donations of supplies and cash. Quilts have gone to missions in various countries, hurricane victims and local flood victims. Since 2011 the group has made a single bed size quilt specifically for the Minneapolis Veterans Home. Everyone (men, women, and youth) are invited to come and help out. NO experience necessary. The contact person for this group is Diane 651-345-5127.
Sunshine Club: If you know anyone in the parish or community that may enjoy a personal connection, needs a "get well" prayer, or some type of encouragement Contact Louann 507-259-5824 and she will send out a personal note from the parish.
Counters of Weekly Contributions: Every month rotating teams of two people count and record the basket collections taken at Mass. Contact person is Dennis.
Flowers: If you are interested in helping with flowers for inside the church and around the altar contact Betty 507-753-2314.
For outside gardens and arrangements please talk with Sandy 651-448-3386.