If you are interested in volunteering in any ministries, please contact the Parish Office at 651-345-4134 or email - stmaryslakecity@gmail.com. New Volunteers are always welcome!
Sacristan: At St. Mary of the Lake, the ministry of a Sacristan involves ensuring that everything necessary for the priest to celebrate Mass is in its proper place in the sanctuary, sacristy & nave. It also includes ensuring that everything is stored back in its proper place when the Mass has concluded. The lead Sacristan also ensures that there are sufficient supplies (wine, hosts, candles, batteries) available in the sacristy.
Music: Music ministers encourage and invite the congregation to participate in our sung prayer as we worship together. Singing in a music group, playing an instrument, ministering as a cantor or accompanist, or leading a music group are a few examples of ways to participate. Time commitment varies, depending on the group, and could be short term, occasional, or long term.
Lector: The Lector proclaims the Word of God, except the Gospel, in the Mass. This includes reciting the psalms and leading in song, in the absence of a cantor, and presents the prayers of the faithful, in the absence of a deacon.
Extra Ordinary Minister of Communion (EMC) whose function is to distribute Holy Communion during Mass or by taking it to the homebound.
Altar Servers: This is a ministry of service to the presider during Mass. Children who have received First Communion are invited to participte.
Gift Bearers: This ministry, open to families and/or individuals, involves bringing up the gifts—the bread and wine—to the altar during the preparation of the gifts following the homily, petitions and Creed.
Ushers: This ministry involves helping people find seating when the Church is crowded, taking up the collection, and attending to any "behind the scenes" issues, situations or difficulties. When the Liturgy is over, ushers should straighten out the book racks in the pews, ensure all kneelers are up and any noticeable trash is picked up. Ushers are also greeters. Schedules can be viewed here.
Greeters: An important ministry of hospitality to all who walk through the church doors. As door greeters, you offer assistance with opening entrance doors for those in need and offer a friendly welcome to all who enter the building. Time commitment: 15 minutes before Mass and after Mass.